Measurable Impact Blog

How to Create a Tech B2B Video Marketing Strategy

Written by Sandeep Joshi | Feb 10, 2023 2:41:55 AM

Did you know that… adding a video to your website can increase the chance of a front-page Google result by 53 times?

It’s no secret that video is a powerful force that’s been growing in usage year over year. And these days, video isn’t just for people with big budgets. Today, video is used more widely as a business strategy across marketing, sales, and service teams.

But creating any old video isn’t enough. You need to create memorable, high-quality video content that engages your audience. Why? I’ll let the numbers below speak for themselves:

  • 90% of customers say video helps them make buying decisions
  • 64% of customers say that seeing a video makes them more likely to buy
  • 62% of consumers are more likely to negatively perceive a brand that published a low-quality video. 

Considering the time, money, and resources involved, video marketing can't be an impulsive guessing game. Instead, you need to create a tech b2b video marketing strategy that applies to every stage of the inbound methodology. Your goal with video should be to attract your ideal audience, engage them with helpful, valuable video content, and delight them to the point where they become promoters of your brand by sharing your content with their network.

Build a smart video content strategy for your tech business.

So, let's look at the types of videos you can create for your tech B2B audience for each stage of the inbound methodology.


"Attract" Videos

The first step of the inbound methodology is to attract - or turn strangers into visitors. Consumers at this stage are identifying their challenges and deciding whether or not they should seek out a solution. Therefore, the videos you create should empathise with their problems.  Ultimately, the goal of this kind of video is to expand the reach and build trust and credibility with your audience.

Examples of videos in the attract stage include:

  • Short social videos that show off your brand's personality
  • Thought leadership videos that establish you as a source of industry news and insight
  • Brand films that share your values and mission
  • And educational how-to videos that provide relevant tips for solving your audience's pain points

"Engage" Videos

Now that you've attracted video viewers and website visitors, the next step is to build lasting relationships with them by providing insights and solutions that align with their challenges and goals. This brings us to the engage stage, which is generally a function of marketing and sales. Your intention is to help them through their buyer's journey to making a well-informed, confident purchasing decision. In simpler terms, "engage" videos are meant to convert your visitors into leads and ultimately close them as customers.

"Engage" videos that are meant to convert your website visitors into leads could include:

  • A webinar filled with tactical advice
  • Product demos sent via email
  • Landing page promotional videos
  • Case studies
  • In-depth educational how-to videos

When your goal is to close leads into customers with "engage" videos, help your audience visualise themselves using your product or service - and seeing success.

“Engage" videos that are meant to close your leads as customers could include:

  • Testimonials of customers with relatable stories
  • In-depth product demos
  • Culture videos that sell viewers on your quality of service
  • Personalised videos that explain exactly how your product or service could help their business.

This is especially an effective tool for tech B2B salespeople who are working with people who aren't the decision-makers. Imagine the impact you can have on your close rate if you recorded a personalised sales pitch that your point of contact can share with decision-makers. It's the next best thing to actually being in the room with them.

Create powerful videos to engage your tech B2B audience.

"Delight" Videos

Let's say your "engage" video was great, and a purchase was made. Great! But you're not done yet. There's still a lot video can do to leverage the post-conversion stage of the inbound methodology. This brings us to the final stage, delight, which is generally a function of your services, success, or support team.

During the delight stage, your goal is to continue providing remarkable content to users that makes their interaction with your product or service as incredible as possible. You want them to tell their network about their experience or up-sell on another one of your products or services. Therefore, the goal of this type of video is to encourage your customers to embrace your brand and become brand evangelists.

 Examples of videos in the "delight" stage include:

  • A thank you video in an email welcoming them into the community
  • An onboarding video to get them set up for success with their new purchase
  • Or, and this is a much heftier strategic initiative, building out a library of educational product training videos to cater to consumers who prefer self-service or want to expand their expertise. For example, HubSpot offers a marketing software certification course that takes you on a tour of the marketing product and demonstrates how to use the tools to create and implement a cohesive inbound marketing strategy. There's even a case study at the end of the course, which features an example of what an inbound marketing strategy looks like in action. Paint a picture of what success looks like for your audience, then help them transform by teaching them how to do it. Empowering your customers to become successful users of your products or services creates well-informed, educated evangelists of your brand.

Key Takeaways For Tech B2B Video Makers

Before we finish, here's a pro tip to keep in mind: Get creative and test various video types to see what works best for you and your business. For example, maybe your audience prefers longer videos in the attract stage – in this case, consider creating longer educational videos and embedding them at the top of your website pages as an attract stage play. The key here is to experiment and document your findings. This way, as you grow, you can focus on improving your experience, which your audience will appreciate.

If you're looking for a place to start, consider creating at least two videos for the attract, engage, and delight stages. Remember to include call-to-actions to help lead your audience through their buyer's journey and into your brand's promoter role. Over time, you can improve based on conversion rates and the content gaps you discover.

Our Video Content Program helps tech B2B businesses engage, attract, and delight their clients with compelling video content. Find out how.